Tales from the Crypt

Tales from the Crypt: Archived Material

April 4–25*, 2012
9am–5pm weekdays
3100 Octagon, Third Floor A+A Building

*extended from 20 April

The UIC School of Architecture is pleased to present Tales from the Crypt: Archived Material 1966–1996, a selection of disparate material deposited in the School of Architecture's archive over a thirty year period. Housed (until now) in the School's storage space on the first floor of the A+A Building, these varied materials—from syllabi and program posters to lecture recordings and party photos—reveal lost plots and forgotten stories, concerns at once dated and familiar. A found time capsule of fragments and miscellany, the material is assembled here as a first effort to codify, organize, reflect on, and make sense of the School of Architecture's history from what it, at one point, deemed worthy of saving. (Sometimes it takes a good spring cleaning to figure out where you're going.)

Exhibition Opening
Wednesday, April 4, 6–8pm

Online Lecture Archive
Remastered lectures from the archive (c. 1986–1993) will be available on YouTube soon:

Dr Richard Selzer, "The Surgeon as Writer" (1986)
James Ackerman, "What Happened to Social Relevance?" (1988)
Diane Ghirardo, "What Price Paradise?" (1988)
Heinz Tesar, no title (1988)
Bahram Shirdel, "Rune of Chaos" (1989)
Bryan Fuermann, "UT Archetectura Poesis" (1989)
Joe Gonzalez, "Buildings that Don't Wiggle" (1993)
Stuart Cohen, "Transformations of Typologies" (1993)
Charles Waldheim, "Santos" (1993)
Stan Allen, no title (year unknown)

Tales from the Crypt: Archived Material 1966–1996 is presented as part of the UIC School of Architecture's ongoing public exhibition program. Special thanks to Zack Morrison and Stephen Moroz.