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The Epic Highs and Lows of Stacking Courtyards

Yousif Giyo
The Epic Highs and Lows of Stacking Courtyards

From the first-year undergraduate studio Half Mile, Spring 2021
Faculty: Jimmy Carter

About the studio:

What is interesting about the American landscape—urban or rural—is that it is organized the same way: as a grid. This studio looked to cities around the world, learned from them, and brought that research back to the American grid, leveraging its flexibility to project new possible architectures and urbanisms that would support new ways to live in the American city.

About the project:

What if: a variety of public buildings were stacked on top of one another.

Then: a series of multifaceted unitary program buildings will start to proliferate across the city, each with a multiplicity of spaces including certain programs and public open spaces.